sobota, 2. julij 2011

Working class hero is something to be

Second day at work as a dishwasher/translator: I accidentally burned my feet with boiling water, so in grave pain, I started working a bit slower. However, a colleague noticed (that I was working slower and not the fact I was hurting) and kindly reminded me to work faster. I tried to that, and continuously poured the boiling water on the same toe. Good news is, it doesn't hurt anymore, although I'm not sure if I'll ever feel it again. And another good news, they don't let me work with knives.


nedelja, 22. maj 2011


Somehow I knew Kelly Family are german, so I was spared the biggest shock ever to strike my friends and above all my sister. WHAT? Kelly Family are not Irish?  I love telling this to people cause each and every one of them is shocked.
But I must admit I am pretty shocked about this: Troy from Community is a writer for NBC'S 30 Rock, two of my favourite series!
And he's also a rapper and not half bad.
Wow I love multi-talented funny people. And wow I can't believe this.
The only thing that could shock me more would be to find out he's german.

Well who knows? (wikipedia does)

petek, 20. maj 2011

Awkard teenagers

...are all the more awkward once they're over 22.

Take Michael Cera for example.
It's true, I found him adorable in Arrested development as much as the next man (putting myself in an awkward position because I'm not sure how to rephrase this in english to show I'm not really a man), but seriously, he needs to stop making these indie movies. Also, I need to stop watching them.

ponedeljek, 2. maj 2011

Nouvelle vague

I sort of decided I want to do french and japanese New wave cinema for my thesis.
This pretty much sums up what I was planning to write in my conclusion:

Oh well. Damn you, Peter!


So, I've been watching this great japanese drama called Tumbling. It has everything a drama needs, a big strong stupid guy with a big heart, and other attractive guys, damaged in one or another way, but yearning for somebody to rescue them. Tough on the outside, gentle on the inside, just the way we love them.

Anyway, the drama is about a bunch of highschool guys who want to do group rhythmic gymnastics and after a series of more or less unfortunate events, (that always turn out for the best thanks to the strong and stupid  guy) and a lot of crying, they manage to start some training.  But check this, turns out, one of the guys is gay. In a male rhytmic gymnastics team? REALLY? Who thought of this ありえないplot??? I mean, a lot of stuff in japanese dramas is pretty much fictional, but people laughing at a gay guy in a rhythmic gymnastics team is just not a concept I would be able to grasp any time soon.

I strongly feel they should add "fantasy" as a genre to every jdorama.
Wow, look at me, fighting for cause!

Welcome to my blog, I'm very bored to meet you.